Gravitas Social

Turning thought followers into thought leaders.


Daily LinkedIn posts from leading industry publications and experts to help you generate more leads and sales.

Content to meet your goals

Being an industry authority has its benefits!

Generate more leads

Source more candidates

Attract more job offers

Client testimonials

How it works

1: Plan

We'll dig into your niche and (if we don't already) understand the current landscape including existing thought leaders, leading publications, industry trends and more.

2: Execute

We'll start sharing fresh, relevant and highly optimized industry content on your profile, encouraging views and engagement.

3: Evaluate

Every post we publish is evaluated to ensure it aligns with your goals and drives the right engagement.
We'll course-correct until we find the magic mix!

LinkedIn Tips & Tricks

LinkedIn vs Xing

LinkedIn vs Xing

While both platforms serve similar purposes, there are some key...